
UPLB... more than just a university.

I've visited UPLB a couple of times...
i know, it is more than just a university...
With it's peaceful surrounding, the place is a sanctuary.
Looking at all the people bringing it into life, the place holds many stories.
college of forestry..?

on our way to botanical garden


and more trees

I've stayed there with a few friends one time just for a different kind of get together - a nature trip.
We weren't able to enter Maria Makiling Botanical Garden and Flatrocks... But we still enjoyed the place, watching all the people around and creating stories from what we see while also sharing our own stories to ourselves.

here are some photos i borrowed from some friends...

being there, every moment was relaxing...


TRAVELIN'' | Paradise in Pagbilao Quezon - Pueblo Por La Playa

Never thought Pagbilao has these very beautiful shores...
I have been to Quezon many many times since that is my mother's hometown.... But Alabat Island shores are very different from Pagbilao... I was already wondering if Pagbilao is near Boracay (joke).

We found this place named Pueblo Por La Playa at Pagbilao. This is an exclusive Mexican inspired residential and country club. But we were able to enjoy the beauty of the place and their facilities by paying some additional charges (i am assuring you the additional charge was worth it!).
the pool is gigantic. 

the biggest pool i've ever seen...

top view. that's the kiddie pool on the far side. not kiddie in size as well.

closer look at the kiddie pool.

the Pagbilao cove.

The sand is white and fine. Pagbilao shores really have white sands but the sand here is finer. The tour guide from Pueblo says that the developer/owner of the place added whiter sands to extend the shore line (artificial shore. yes. but it made the place more beautiful).

Huts on the other side of the beach

closer look.

borrowed some pictures from a friend....

We also went island-hopping... and we found this small beach on the other side of Pagbilao. It's shoreline couldn't be more than 500 meters i think.. The sand is very fine almost powdery...

you can't see me...hehe

I think the beach is called kwebang lampas...beautiful hidden paradise....

sorry. i dont have photos of the rooms of Pueblo from the inside. 
but outside, it is also beautiful and colorful...

Just outside Pueblo is a floating resto... of course their specialties are seafoods.. and i can say that their sinigang na hipon is just superb!

Can you imagine all the waiters delivering the food from the shore to our tables using that bamboo bridge? they don't... there are waiters on the floating huts to take our orders. then they call the cooks from the shore so they can prepare our orders... then the staffs from the shore load the foods on an airplane... no joke. it was an airplane. well, it's more like a pulley disguised as an airplane... sorry i dont have a picture. it's such a cute clever piece... saves time and energy for the waiters...

by the way, the resto's name is Silangang Nayon. I think....


TRAVELIN' | Playa Calatagan = Serenity

We only stayed at Playa Calatagan for about two hours. Two Hours Only! Well, that was because we were just having a tour slash ocular inspection for the venue of our summer escapade this 2010. Playa Calatagan is definitely one in the top list. It is an exclusive residential resort still on its development phase. I think. but companies and large groups can rent the pool area. They already have complete facilities: pools, cabanas, bathrooms, bars, dining halls, etc. But there are no residential houses yet. So mostly, it is still surrounded with greenery... I already forgot the names of the people who toured us around the place but I heard from them that the plan is also to have a hotel within the place so more people can stay longer. Currently, there are no rooms at Playa Calatagan which most of the time discourages the people to stay longer. That is also one of the reasons why we didn't choose the for our Summer outing venue (We chose Pueblo Por La Playa). But I still think the place is worth blogging. I liked the place.

We walked through this wooden bridge from the lobby slash marketing hall to reach the pool area...

The pool was huge... cabanas surround it...

But it does not end to just being a huge pool. it leads to a river pool...also with cabanas and jacuzzis on its every curve...

After the river pool is the kiddie pool and after it is the bathroom and locker area... That rock-formation-like thing in the middle of the pool is a kiddie slide, you know...

The pool area is very near to the beach which i also liked. The sand is not that white and fine...

But the sunset view is very dramatic.... really...

see what i mean....?

We went there last March and i don't know any updates about the place...

But after our visit, we prepared a review regarding the venue. and here are some of the points:
- The ambiance is serene and calm...
- Mostly earth colors...
- Bathrooms and showers are great!
- River pool looks exciting.. especially with the jacuzzi.
- No Rooms for overnight stays. But if you're looking for a twist, camping tents are welcome.
- Wide area for activities, especially for large groups (companies, etc.)
- don't know much about the price. but being a member in this exclusive resort gives you lots of benefits in using the place.
- Sunset is so romantic, dramatic, and relaxing... perfect just before going home.

I'm looking forward to seeing that Calatagan sunset again.


FOOD-TRIPPIN' | Went up the Beanstalk. again.

I have visited Beanstalk a couple of times (i think it's already more than a couple).
Their food and location may not be 'the best' but I see this place crowded every time i go there from 6pm 'til after the midnights. Why do they come here?

maybe the same reason as mine.

Situated near Calamba Crossing Terminal, Beanstalk is really the perfect place for me to go to when i'm meeting up with my friends for our regular (irregular i mean) updates and chikas. Coming from Sta. Rosa and having all my friends to come from Batangas is really difficult. The only solution I have to give them is "let's meet half way." (which isn't really true..because sta. rosa is nearer to calamba compared with batangas. But they always agree with my idea. =P)

New Place. Yeah! The official meet up place for the group. well, not really. But that's what they thought the first time i brought my friends there. And that is also what i thought when i was first brought there by a friend.

Yup! the place is unique and first time visitors usually feel or say "yeah, this is a cozy place", or "wow, this is new.. i like it here" or "hmmm... let's come here more often to chat" or other similar things.. i think.

oh.. did i mention this coffee shop is on the rooftop? yes it is... you'll have a pretty good view of mount makiling there... and of course the roofs of other establishments and houses. ok. the roofs aren't good views. But of course the air (or should i say the wind?) and the ambiance of the place brings you to the cozy and comfy feeling. You just have to stay longer or you'll promise to go back.

I felt that way. and that's probably the reason why Beanstalk is always jam-packed. People go there. People feel the vibes. and people invites other people. and they do the same. oh i love the place!

The food was not outstanding...but hey, we went there for bonding and chatting, and it was worth it!

had to try different flavors...hehehe

Visiting Calamba? Looking for a coffee shop? new hang out? You know what i will say next. =)